Thursday 31 December 2015

New Years Resolutions – Make 2016 Your Year

As New Year rolls around many of us will use the change in the calendar year as a clean slate and make our well intended New Years resolutions but this year here are some guidelines to make those fresh promises stick.
Whether your choosing to get fitter, stronger, loose weight and tone up or if your goal isn’t at all fitness related these simple steps for success could help you achieve your goals.
First of all lets bullet point the key ingredients for this years recipe for success:
  • Make realistic resolutions and write them down.
  • Focus on one goal and make small changes, these add up to big results!
  • Find your motivating factor and set a time frame so you have something to work towards.
Lets start with the bad news… Statistically speaking the odds are stacked against us. On average studies reveal that only 11% of the population surveyed managed to keep their New Years resolutions made in 2014 through to the close of that year, in fact one survey revealed that one third (32%) of all resolutions made in 2014 were broken by the end of January!
but do not despair…!
This blog has brought together some of the best research to provide you with a plan to help you stick to your guns and be one of the 11% winners come 2017!
Got a resolution? Now write it down!
Research suggests that writing down your goals and keeping a success diary can increase your chances of sticking to that resolution to a whopping 76%! Not only that you should hold yourself accountable by communicating both your success and failures.

Focus on one goal and make small changes to get there

One sure fire way to fall at the first hurdle is to make several larger goals that involve significant lifestyle changes in a short amount of time. As a general rule we are much more comfortable with small changes that have little impact on our day to day lifestyle. The daily routines we have such as brushing our teeth barely register as they have become habit therefore using the same principle we can remove or introduce New Years resolutions that will become lasting changes. For example if your new to exercising throwing yourself headlong into daily exercise would be resolution suicide! If your determined to be a gym bunny by the end of 2016 breaking your goal down into smaller chunks might be to start with 90 minute of exercise a week in batches of 15 minutes a day with a days rest.
Remember! Small changes in your behaviour make for big results so to keep your goal, be specific and plan how to incorporate the changes into your day-to-day routine.

Plan long term and reward your success

Once you have written your goals plan out your strategy for success with significant markers and dates to hit each and when you get there reward your success!
With all this in mind go start your 2016 plan right now before the festivities begin and from all of us at Fight & Fit Darwen all the best for the New Year!

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